Color JCross Nonograms

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Our colored nonograms (japanese crosswords) are available! Japanese crosswords appeared at the end of XX century and became popular all over the world. Japanese crossword also known as Nonograms, Hanjie, Picross, Griddlers or Paint by Numbers and so on.

This original Crossword Painter is without any doubt a remarkable representative of its genre. Just think about it: why download several different apps when you can have one with tons of various Picrosses already in it and a lot more on their way. It really doesn’t matter whether you want to rack your brains by doing a sophisticated Nonogram or you need a trivial Paint by Numbers to kill time – JCross has all of them!

App features:

– More than 25000 of free Japanese crosswords of various width and height sizes (10x10, 15x15, 20x20, 25x25, 30x30 etc);

– All Nonograms have their own single solution;

– Highly optimized app that saves your battery;

– Zoom mode allows you to solve even large Japanese crosswords;

– Portrait and landscape orientation support;

– Undo/redo support;

– Light and dark color schemes;

– Font size is automatically changed depending on the size of the crossword and your device screen orientation and size.

Solution techniques

Nonograms is a special type of puzzle that relies on logic in order to reveal a certain picture.

Japanese Crosswords look like grids of squares with numbers above and to the left. A field of a nonogram is lined both horizontally and vertically with lines. Numbers, shown on the left and above the crossword – describe the groups of painted squares (which go in sequence, no blanks) horizontally and vertically accordingly. The order of these numbers describes the order of location of these groups, but it is unknown where each group starts and finishes. Each separate number means a separate group of the given size (i.e. number 9 – means a group of ninth painted squares in sequence, 1 – a group of only one painted square). Between the painted groups that have the same color should be at least one unpainted square. Between painted groups that have different colors might not be the unpainted square.

To solve a nonogram you should look at each line/column separately, always moving to the next columns and lines. In so doing the process of solving in each line/column comes to the following:

1. To define the squares which are sure to be painted.

2. To define the squares in which it is impossible to have painted squares – such squares are marked with a cross.

In front of us, there is a nonogram of the size 9x6 squares. We will gradually decipher this crossword explaining every step.

Step 1.

First of all, to define the squares which are sure to be painted. Look at the number 6 in the 5th column. We can paint all 6 cells. Let's do it and then cross all other cells in the first row since we have a single painted block already

Step 2.

There are two cells that are sure to be empty in the second row: exteme left and extreme right cells. It is clear since the block of 4 cells would not paint them anyway.

Step 3.

We can paint cells in the 3rd and 8th columns in 4th row since they are sure to be painted independently on where blocks of 3 orange cells in columns are painted.

Step 4.

There are the only orange block of 7 cells in the 4th row, hence we can link all orange cells.

Step 5.

We can paint a black cell in the 4th row since it is the only possible place. Let's cross all other cells in the last column.

Step 6.

Let's finish the block of 7 orange cells in the 4th row and cross cells that are sure to be empty.

Step 7.

Let's paint a black cell in the 3rd row and 7th column since it is the only possible place.

Step 8.

Paint an orange cell right after the black cell in the 3rd row.

Step 9.

Cross a cell in the 4th column and 2nd row. This cell is sure to be empty since the block of 2 orange cells would not touch the 2nd row.

Step 10.

Paint a block of 4 cells in the 2nd row in the only possible place.

Step 11.

Paint a block of 3 cells in the 6th column and cross cells are sure to be empty.

Step 12.

Finish a block of 2 cells in the 4th column and cross an other cell.

Step 13.

Finish a block of 3 cells in the 3rd column.

Step 14.

Paint the latest cell in the first column.

We can see that all blocks in the grid are painted. Congratulations! The crossword is completely solved!